
  • 2016-11-16 23:03:38
邮件的失败总是因为各种各样的传输中出现的问题导致,但是这些问题的多样性导致我们无法判断到底是因为什么出错,所以每一封邮件报错时必然会有错误代码伴随着,所以以下是常见的错误代码解释方便大家分析错误信息,及时解决问题。 对于MTA我们一般会有如下的错误代码:
SMTP 有一组固定的响应代码,表示邮件服务器对于传送邮件要求的响应状况。其中 421、450、451、452、550、551、552、553、554 等 9 组代码表示您要求邮件服务器执行的动作不成功。
  • 354 Start Mail input 开始传输邮件正文
  • 421 <domain> Service not available, closing transmission channel 括号内的主机无法提供正常服务,关闭传送管道,邮件将滞留在主机上
  • 440 邮件址错误
  • 445 Server Rejected 被封锁
  • 450 Client host rejected, Cannot resolve PTR Temporary Process Error Resource temporarily unaviable,please try again later Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable 无法 IP 反查Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable 所要求的s邮件动作无法执行:邮件信箱无法提供服务,邮件将滞留在主机上
  • 451 Domain of sender address sender@mail.com.tw does not resolve qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0) queuename: Cannot create "qfCAA21081" in "/var/spool/mqueue" (euid=0): No space left on device Requested action aborted, errno=28. 无法解析寄件者邮件地址Requested action aborted: local error in processing 要求动作中断:本地端错误 Requested action aborted,errno=28 传送失败,检查网络问题。
  • 452 Message for would exceed mailbox quota Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage 要求动作无法执行:系统空间不足Insufficient system storage 在使用Esmtp认证的过程中出错,检查一下Esmtp设置,多试几次。
  • 454 Client was not authenticated 安全因素,被封锁
  • 472 sender@mail.com.tw no DNS A-data returned 无法 IP 反查
  • 501 Domain of sender address sender@mail.com.tw does not exist 无法 IP 反查Mailbox not found 5.1.1 ... User unknown 无此使用者 Syntax error,parameters in command "RCPT TO:min@laohuyatse.com.tw>"unrecognized or missing no local part Syntax error in recipient: "@" or "." expected after "CC" "@" or "." expected after "fau" : email格式l错误
  • 503 Either sender or receiver must be local account. 安全因素,权限不足 CAT@MAIL.FORTEK.COM.TW 无此使用者,不是本主机转送信件的使用者error:needmail command need mail before RCPT Bad sequence of commands 消息命令顺序出错,一般出现在其他错误之后,先检查之前出现的错误提示。 5.0.0 polite people say HELO first 传输中的语法错误,原因不明
  • 505 client was not authenticated 使用263.net和sohu.com的Smtp服务器时,不但要用自身的邮箱发信,而且要加入身份验证,所以即要在"个人信息"中填写正确邮箱地址,又要选中"SMTP服务器需要认证"。
  • 521 This system is configured to reject mail from 安全因素,被封锁
  • 535 Error:authenticatin failed Authentication unsuccessful 在使用Esmtp认证的过程中出错,检查一下Esmtp设置,多试几次。
  • 550 unknown user User unknown Invalid User Recipient unknown Mailbox disabled for this recipient Unknown local part Invalid recipient Unable to relay for no such user Recipient unknown This account is not allowed recipient unknown No such mail drop defined,user disabled I don't know Relaying is prohibited Relaying denied relaying mail to <> is not allowed <>... relaying denied 5.7.1 relaying not permitted: REJECT SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550 Forwarding percent hack is not permitted Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable 无此使用者,所要求动作无法执行:信箱不存在,邮件将退回给寄件者,或者限制了收件人的地址,只能换一个Smtp服务器。System is busy 邮件系统错误 Subj similar too many!! 太多同主题信件 Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed IP name lookup failed DNS FAILURE cannot route to sender address 无法 IP 反查 Relaying denied Mailbox unavailable: This site may not be used as a relay agent. 无法转寄 <>:local user only <>:Invalid User Invalid recipient 使用163.net,163.com,yeah.net和netease.com之类的Smtp服务器时,只能用自身的信箱发信,所以要在Outlook Express的"帐户属性"中的"个人信息"里面填写正确的邮件地址。 Unable to relay for ... 多出现在用Wingate代理服务器发送邮件时。虽然在Wingate中"POP3 邮箱帐号"要使用"用户名#POP3地址"的格式,但在"帐户属性"中的"个人信息"中还是要填写一般的格式。
  • 551 we do not relay ... delivery not allowed to non-local recipient 无法转寄,使用21cn.com,china.com,371.net,sina.com等大多数信箱的smtp服务器时,只能用自身的信箱发信,所以要在Outlook Express的"帐户属性"中的"个人信息"里面填写正确的邮件地址。User not local; please try <forward-path> 邮件服务器知道使用者不属于本地端,将尝试括号内的转送路径
  • 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation 所要求的动作中断:超出所分配的储存空间,邮件将退回给寄件者 Sorry, we don't allow mail from your host. 被封锁
  • 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts mailbox name not allowed 邮件地址错误 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed sorry, your envelop sender is in my badmailfrom list 所要求的动作未执行:信箱不允许该动作执行 ,或者服务器限制了收件人的地址,只能换一个smtp服务器发信。Relay restriction. From <>, message blocked. sorry,you are not allow to use this SMTP to relay your eami sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts 使用21cn.com,china.com,371.net,sina.com等大多数信箱的smtp服务器时,只能用自身的信箱发信,所以要在Outlook Express的"帐户属性"中的"个人信息"里面填写正确的邮件地址。 authentication is required to send mail as <> 使用263.net和sohu.com的Smtp服务器时,不但要用自身的邮箱发信,而且要加入身份验证,所以即要在"个人信息"中填写正确邮箱地址,又要选中"SMTP服务器需要认证"。 <>...domain name required 多出现在用Wingate代理服务器发送邮件时。虽然在Wingate中"POP3 邮箱帐号"要使用"用户名#POP3地址"的格式,但在"帐户属性"中的"个人信息"中还是要填写一般的格式。
  • 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account delivery error: dd Sorry, your message to xxxxyahoo.com cannot be delivered. This account is over quota. 无此使用者Transaction failed 传送失败,检查网络问题。
  • 571 we don't accept junk mail (mail.sysnet.net.tw) 无效的寄件者